Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The four words you never want to hear......"evacuate the building immediately"!

Life is never boring, that is for sure. We were awakened around midnight to the sound of an alarm demanding we evacuate the building. At first we were annoyed when it woke Kenzie up-I was sure it was a false alarm. Then I stepped out of bed and felt our wet carpet. I assumed that I had accidentally left something on until we looked out in the hall and saw this....

So we left our apartment and found this outside. Oh how we wish we would have grabbed a few more things.

We even ended up on the local news while we were evacuating. It was cold outside!

We are now staying at a hotel near the apartment. We are hoping that we may get to go in our apartment tomorrow to get a few things and check on the damage. We are fortunate to have insurance that is helping us pay for clothing and food while we are in transition. Kenzie has been so precious through all of it. Never crying, always laughing and smiling! Here's jen and Kenzie making the best of it.

There was a time that this would have really stressed me out. We really don't care if our belongings are ruined, it is just stuff. I'm just happy we are all safe and warm. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, prayers, and concern. We will keep everyone posted when we know more.



  1. So glad y'all are safe! You'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. oh man!! so glad ya'll are ok!!! let us know if you need a care package!!!
