Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cold is not an adequate word......Frigid is better!

Click on the player above for a Judy Garland classic, "Somewhere over the rainbow"

Well this week brought another 10 inches or so of snow. Even the folks who've lived here for awhile have been commenting on how much snow we have gotten so far this year. We are also looking at one cold weekend coming up. I mean, -8 degrees, seriously? Take a peek at the local forecast below. 
I am in the process of learning how to drive in this nasty weather. Unlike back home, things pretty much go on as usual unless the weather is really severe. I did take a little video to give you an idea of what it can be like during the morning commute. Disclaimer: I have both hands firmly on the wheel and am going about 10 mph!
When I pulled into work Friday morning, I encountered this (a bunch of cars with their windshield wipers sticking straight up).... I promptly got out of my car and did the same thing figuring it must be a good idea. What a neat little trick. When I left lecture this morning I had several inches of snow on my car but my wipers were not frozen to my windshield!
My car after two hours.....
One of the problems with all of this snow is that there is no where for it to go. This was taken before the 7 inches we received on Friday. You can see that there isn't too much left of the sidewalk!
Kenzie has been thinking about her future a lot lately. She does like it here in Boston and she decided today that she would like to complete her undergraduate degree at Harvard. You can see her sporting her "Harvard class of 20??" shirt below. I calculate that she will be in the graduating class of 2033 or maybe 2032 if she decides to finish in 3 years... :-)
 My only concern is summarized well by a fellow Southerner, "Harvard ain't cheap!" I have already worked out a plan to begin tackling this issue, see below.....
Another Disclaimer: I will not put any excessive pressure on Kenzie to go to Harvard (any other Ivy League school will also be acceptable).

I know that you are all aware from my previous posts that I am a pretty big fan of Kenzie smiles. I put together a little compilation of the best of Kenzie if you have a moment to view it. I don't think you will be disappointed.

My voicemail and email have literally been filled with blog readers angrily demanding that I bring back the "Featured Flashback". So here it is back by popular demand. There is nothing better than going home to relax and take a nap after a stressful week of medical school examinations. That is until your brothers and father wake you up from said nap by trying to crush you beyond recognition while your wife captures the moment with a camera. Circa 2005
Here's a picture of Kenzie all dressed up to go out!

And another picture just after waking up this morning. We hope that everyone has a great week!



  1. I absolutely love her smiles! She seems like such a happy baby girl!

  2. Love those video clips!! Can't get enough!
