Friday, January 14, 2011

Another foot of snow!

Much of the news this week surrounds the big snow storm that also impacted much of the south. The storm moved up the east coast and left us with somewhere in the neighborhood of 14 inches of snow in Boston!

Here's a picture of Kenzie monitoring the weather situation through the bedroom window....
Another pic of the snow falling. At times it was difficult to see beyond several yards!
 And here is a short clip of the snow falling. You can hear the constant sound of snow plows in the background. I have been really impressed with the way the city handles these snowstorms. Everything is pretty much back up and running within 24 hours!

We decided to venture out the day after the storm. Here's Kenzie ready to head out on the town...
Now that is a big pile of snow!
The blowing, wet snow stuck to the trees in the Commons
Another shot in the Commons.....
.....and Granary burying ground
Even Benjamin Franklin received a coating of snow!
 While we were out we stopped in a few department stores. In what is seemingly a normal clothing store, they were selling top hats! Just seemed a little strange to me.....but I enjoy feeling like I belong in a Charles Dickens novel!
I understand that it is never too early to begin teaching your child the alphabet. For Christmas Honey gave Kenzie a very special set of alphabet flash cards. They are not your everyday alphabet cards....they are a bit more.....let's say....challenging. We will review a few now.
K is for Kepler's 3rd Law (an equation used to describe the motion of the planets around the sun)
L is for lunar eclipse....
C is for cell membrane....
 Did you get all of that Kenzie?

When Kenzie's not contemplating the physics behind Einstein's theory of relativity, she does enjoy playing with her Dad.....
 ....and her older brother
 Occasionally she even has time for a little dancing. See video below!

Another week has come and gone! Kenzie is excited about what next week holds and wants to wish you the best one ever!



  1. Somebody got us those same flashcards this year! What's the deal? You don't think people think we're all nerds, do you?! :0)

  2. The video of you and Kenzie dancing is too cute for words. :)

  3. Aww, the video of Kenzie is so precious! We miss yall!
