Saturday, April 2, 2011

One Cruel April Fool's Joke!

I don't have a lot of pictures to post this week but that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting. Let's start with a discussion of the weather. I can't believe that I am typing this....we got about 4 to 5 inches of snow in Boston on April 1! Now that is one cruel April Fool's joke! It was especially hard this week to deal with the weather after coming back from the sunny, warm south. Everyone here is just sick and tired of winter and ready to move on to Spring for real (not just on the calendar!) I snapped a few pictures at work just to prove it!

Roman has really gotten frustrated and decided that there is only one way to get warm in this city! (No felines were harmed in the making of this blog)

Something very bad happened to me this week. Without revealing any major details, let's just say that I had a.... mutant gastrointestinal illness. I became very acquainted with the bathroom floor since I slept there Wednesday night. Fortunately up to this point, Jennifer and Kenzie have been spared any signs of sickness. I can honestly say it may have been the sickest I have ever been. I am feeling much better now (it took me a couple of days to fully recover) and I am just happy to be alive!

Later this week Kenzie had her 9 month checkup (2 weeks late). She is doing great.... gaining weight and getting taller. She weighed around 21 lbs (75%) and was 31 inches tall (99%).  It was time to check for anemia so we had to have a blood test. I've usually seen this done with a fingerstick but our doctor's office uses a venipuncture so she had to have a real blood draw... turniquet and all. She really did great but it hurt my feelings pretty bad.
I've been a little delinquent with the Featured Flashback so here we go. Here I am performing a minor surgical procedure on Pops with the assistance of my beautiful nursing assistant Jennifer on the back porch circa 2007. Honey seems to have a concerned look on her face....

I don't have many pictures of Kenzie this week but I do have some video to share. Here you can see Kenzie enjoying an orange and trying to "share" with Roman.

Kenzie is getting a lot more mobile. She is not a big fan of crawling though she does scoot around a lot. I really expect that we are going to go straight to walking. She has the mechanics right.... she just needs a little more balance.....

Have a great weekend everyone-


1 comment:

  1. Excellent videos of a very sweet girl! Can't wait to have y'all back here for backyard grill-outs, playdates, and lots of outdoor-in-the-sunshine time!! :0) post over at MS Girl will be Boston!! It's taken me forever to get caught up. I'm staying a month behind. At least I'm consistent, right?!
