Saturday, November 13, 2010

We've Got Ourselves An Eater!!

Going to be a short post this week but stay tuned; We've got a busy schedule coming up....

Kenzie has developed a hilarious habit. When she is eating she doesn't wait for us to put the spoon in front of her. She opens her mouth as widely as possible to let us know when SHE is ready for food. I guess we are just too slow! I edited some video and posted a compilation-I hope you find it as hilarious as I do!

Maybe one of the reasons that Kenzie gets so excited about eating is the awesome food she gets to try......for example, her latest culinary experience involves fresh avocado. Jennifer is pretty handy with a blender as you can see below.....can you guess what her secret ingredient is?
The weather today was beautiful. After a couple of weeks of cold, clouds, and rain, it was sunny and 60 degrees. We took the opportunity to get out and enjoy the scenery. Here is a really beautiful reflection pool and church downtown near the shopping center.....
And here is Jen by a water display.....
Those who know me know that I am all about Christmas decorations and the holiday season. However, it's still just a little too early even for me. Last weekend I went into our local CVS and was promptly serenaded by Bing Crosby singing 'White Christmas' and you can see our local mall is decked out seems to get earlier every year!

And now it is time for the FEATURED FLASHBACK......below you can see the Harris, Steward, and Gollot families. The Gollots (Jennifer's family) were in Water Valley circa 2003 for the Watermelon Carnival to meet my family for the first time. It was such a wonderful time.....I can still remember the fried catfish!
Well that wraps up another week. Here is one proud Dad with one cute girl!
And it's goodnight-

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Oh my goodness... I have tears!! That was hilarious, and Kenzie was thinking, "what has happened to mommy and daddy!" Priceless!!

    We just started Collin on a little baby food. It's fun seeing their little personalities develop!! I enjoy your updates each week!!

  2. That was so funny! Glad you have such a good eater!

  3. All I can focus on is this secret ingredient. If "organic" milk is it, then we'll be eating out all meals when we come to visit. I don't want her slipping any "organic" milk on me! :0)

  4. That was absolutely hilarious! I went and got Andrew to watch too! She is so so precious, and I love your baby food ideas. May have to use a few of them sometime soon :)

  5. Angie...if it makes you feel better we can pretend the secret ingredient is crawfish.....yeah that's it, crawfish. Can't wait to see y'all in March! Ashley

  6. Loved the video and the flash back picture. Cam looks so young haha, can't wait to show him the pic. Wonder where miss Cai was when we took the photo. I had forgotten all about that night, what a fun time :) Lots of love to ya'll. Aunt Weezy

  7. p.s. told you mom just yesterday how much I love the music you put on the blog.

  8. Golly.....Time sure does fly!!!! Great memories! Mom

  9. organic milk, huh? couldn't stop laughing. great video.

  10. That video made me so happy. My favorite part is Ashley laughing in the background. Hilarious.
