Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend In Water Valley

We didn't get to travel to Water Valley over Christmas as Kenzie was a little under the weather. Since then we've been anxious to spend some time with great-grandparents Babe and Gran. Friday evening the weather was wonderful and we got to spend some time out in the garden. 
The cabbage is looking good-
 Kenzie is not afraid of the dirt-in fact we couldn't keep her out of it!

 Kenzie also helped out in the turnip and kale bed...
Pulling hard....
 Sweet success!!
 Surveying the view with Pops
 We had a fantastic breakfast at Babe's- she made french toast (my favorite growing up). I'm not ashamed to report that I had 5 pieces all to myself. Kenzie didn't want to leave her dinosaur out. She decided to feed him breakfast all by herself.

 Here we are having a very grown-up conversation with Honey-
 Later we went to the BTC grocery for lunch and some shopping.
 We do have a breaking announcement coming out of the Harris household tonight. Out of the blue Kenzie has decided to start using the potty like a big girl. Though this is going to save us a lot of time (and money in diapers), I can't help but feel a little twinge down in my stomach-Kenzie is just growing up too fast!
All the more reason to enjoy these days!
Have a great week,

1 comment:

  1. Awww, congrats on potty training! :) The series of pics of Kenzie pulling the turnip is adorable.
