Sunday, October 23, 2011

Picture Post

Things are busy these days for Rather than getting more and more behind with the blog, how about I just post some pictures of Kenzie? Less reading and more fun for everyone!

Playing in the park

 Meeting some animals at the fair...

 Helping me blow out my candle on my birthday! (1 candle = 30 years)
Remember 1 year ago?
The best birthday gift of all!
Having fun on the hayride with Nana

Picking out a pumpkin....
Just a picture I like...
 Playing around the house....

Check out this video of Kenzie trying to tie a shoe after watching me do it. She gets a little frustrated but she gets an A for effort!
No explanation required...just a great picture!

Have a great week,


  1. Love the shoe tying--quick little jumble of the strings was too cute! She gave that sooooo much more effort than Hunter would have. Glad to see an update!

  2. Yay! Love all the pictures! So cute! :). And happy belated birthday btw! :)

  3. Awww, she's gotten so big and it's only been a few months since y'all moved! :) Best to you all and good luck on the boards. Can't wait for this test to be over!

  4. LOVE these pictures Ashley!!!!! Love seeing the back to back birthday photos & how much Kenzie has changed! Awesome!!!

  5. All those pictures of Kenzie are great, but I have a confession to make. My favorite is comparing the two birthday pictures of Ashley...your birthday-candle-blowing-out-expression is EXACTLY the same in both pictures....hilarious...haha

    Thanks for the know we only "read" the blog for the pictures anyway... :)
