Sunday, July 8, 2012

It is Hot Enough Yet?!

Has this summer been hot enough for you so far? It sure has for us over at the Harris household! Kenzie decided to cool off while helping Jen wash the car. A little soap never hurt anyone!

We had Kenzie's birthday party a few days before her actual birthday so when the real day came along we decided to go to Chuck E. Cheese with Honey for the first time. She was a little apprehensive at first....

 but warmed up to it really fast!!
Mom and Dad may have had a little fun too...
Later in June I had the privilege of taking sweet little Kenzie to a father-daughter dance. It was really a wonderful experience and one I look forward to repeating for many years to come.

I may have been the center of Kenzie's attention for a while but that all changed when Mr. Mickey Mouse showed up. The subsequent hour was spent essentially stalking Mickey's every move.

Kenzie's hiding from us... can you find her?
 This week we had a much needed (and too short) vacation down to Biloxi for the Fourth of July. Here is Kenzie in her patriotic outfit. I've got to brag a bit cause Jen made the shirt!
 "Fishing" on Uncle Richard's pier with Nana.
 Looking for those fish with Aunt Kathy....
 We had a blast out on the Ocean Springs beach. It was a beautiful day!
 Kenzie showing off a sea creature for the camera-
 Kenzie helped me build a sand castle complete with a moat and draw bridge!
 A funny face...
 Flying our first kite!
A quick request for thoughts and prayers for my brother Larry who is in Afghanistan as we speak. I am so very proud of him (and his wife Maggie who is also there now) and all that he is doing. This Fourth of July serves as a reminder of how fortunate we are in this country to have the things that we often take for granted. This year July 4th was uniquely special for me as I understand on a personal level the sacrifices that the men and women who serve our country make. I think of Larry and Maggie every day and I ask that you do the same.
 I'll end this post with one of my favorite things... Kenzie hugs!!!!
